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A red bouquet

When you want to surprise your loved one with a bouquet, then a red one is the one you are looking for. The colour red stands for love and gives a warm feeling. The best known red bouquet, is a bouquet of red roses. At Regiobloemist you have the possibility to compose it yourself. You can decide the different length of the roses, but also how many you want. At Regiobloemist you can make your own interpretations to complete the bouquet and that makes it even more personal.

A bouquet of red roses

As you can see above we are the best party to purchase your bouquet of red roses. Not only because we have the best quality, but also because we go a step further. With us you can also add a small gift to your delivery. This makes your order very original. When you need a bouquet of red roses for your own home that's also possible. When you order this for yourself, think already where you are gonna place the bouquet. And what vase are you gonna use? If you don't have any, then we can help you out. It's easy to add a vase to your order.

Delivering a bouquet of red roses

You have decided to buy a bouquet of red roses. Of course you want them delivered as quickly as possible. Delivering a bouquet of red roses doesn't cost us much time. It's even possible to have your beautiful bouquet delivered the same day. With this we distinguish ourselves from other suppliers and will do our best to make you a happy customer to help you in the best way we can.

Keep your red bouquet fresh!

At Regiobloemist you will always receive a 7 days fresh vase guarantee. Of course there are more ways to keep your flowers even fresher. With taking care of them you come a long way already. When you receive your bouquet, you need to cut diagonally a piece of the stem. Then you put them in a glass vase. When you fill it up with water, don't put too much but certainly not too less. Keep it safe to fill the vase half with water. So you can enjoy your flowers even longer.