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A wedding bouquet is a very important part of the whole wedding. Therefore it's of the most important that your bouquet looks smashing. At Regiobloemist we can offer you the best available wedding bouquets. Or you can put one together yourself. All is possible on your day! You can even have it matching with your dress. Or you can choose for many other colours.

A colorful wedding bouquet

Of course you can choose for calm colors, but maybe a more colorful bouquet suits you even better. Don't forget that it needs to match the colour of your dress. The combination can already provide a wonderful cohesion. What's even more important is that the flowers in the bouquet are fresh. At Regiobloemist you will always receive a fresh guarantee. With our flowers you know that you will shine on the best day of your life and that's our goal!

Processing wild flowers in a beautiful bouquet.

When you put your wedding bouquet together it might be nice to process some field flowers in it. Field Flowers will give your bouquet just that extra. Its of the most importance that it all blends together. And above all it needs to match your wedding dress. So be very careful if you pick your wedding bouquet.

Ordering a wedding bouquet

Ordering a wedding bouquet can be very handy, you can choose the wanted day that suits you and you can be sure you receive the most fresh flowers. When you plan a wedding you need to think of a lot of things. You hardly have any time left to think about your bouquet as well. So Regiobloemist makes it only easier that you can order one. You can have your bouquet delivered at home or at the wedding location.