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Bouquet of Wildflowers

At the moment when you are buying new flowers, there are so many to choose from. You can also choose a wildflower bouquet. This is a different name for a field bouquet. A wildflowers bouquet is made from many different flowers. They also use branches with leaves to mix in the bouquet. At Regiobloemist we only use the best seasonal flowers to mix in the wildflower bouquet. So you will always have the freshest flowers.

Vase guarantee from Regiobloemist

At Regiobloemist you receive a standard vase guarantee for 7 days. This means that the flowers need to stay fresh for 7 days. When this is not the case, you will receive a new bouquet. So you are sure that you have a bouquet in your house that will stay fresh for at least 7 days. Because we only use the highest quality of flowers our customers hardly need to use their vase guarantee.

Buy your wild bouquet at Regiobloemist

When you are looking for a fresh wild bouquet Regiobloemist is the best adres to order. We have a very wide range of different wild bouquets. This makes it much easier for you to find a bouquet that you like. Ordering a wild bouquet is made very easy on the website from Regiobloemist. The site is very customer friendly and you can pay multiple ways, you can use IDEAL or even AfterPay.

A quick delivery

Next to the fact that it's easy to order flowers from Regiobloemist, also the delivery is great. It's even possible to have your flowers delivered the same day. It's also possible to add a little thing. Therefore it's ideal to give our wild flower bouquet from Regiobloemist as a present.