After working hard with the whole family, they settled in a wonderfully beautiful flower shop called Bloemenboetiek Jan Bijl and are incredibly proud of their company. They really specialize in mourning works, wedding bouquets, but also in luxury bouquets and floral arrangements.
They would like to receive your flower request. Click on the large pink button named 'Select this florist' and then place your order on this website. They then receive your order and ensure that it is perfectly made and delivered.
Flower boutiques Jan Bijl is originally a Delft company. They started there on Verdi Square in 1975. For example, the company has grown to 7 stores, but we all think it is too small and the tension was no longer there because they could not show what we actually wanted.
Have you received flowers? With a little extra care and love on your part, they will last even longer. Cut them off at an extra angle and do not place them in ice cold, but in lukewarm water. This gives them an extra boost. And if leaves are hanging in the water, remove them. As a result, bacteria are less likely to develop vision. Region Florist wishes you a lot of pleasure with your bouquet!