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Black Roses

Everybody knows the red rose. On the other hand with black roses that's a completely different story. Black roses are often used at nasty situations, like a loss or a goodbye. Therefore they are not often sold so they are less popular. Black roses are often used at a funeral. To say goodbye appropriately it is of the most importance that the black roses are from the highest quality. With Regiobloemist you will always receive our 7 days fresh guarantee. Are you looking for very good quality black roses? Take a look what kind of options Regiobloemist has to offer.

Ordering black roses

Ordering black roses at Regiobloemist is very easy. You have the option to pick your own bouquet. Here you vary in the amount and length of your flowers. When you want to order black roses for a funeral, it can be that you don't want them in your own house. So we have the option to have them delivered at the mourning center or crematorium. We try to assist our customers best with their grieving process.

Pick your own date

Whenever there are black roses needed for a funeral, it can be that you have them delivered on a specific day. You don't want to be remembered at your loss the whole time. At Regiobloemist you have the possibility to choose your own date and time. So you can have your black roses delivered a day before the funeral. There is always room for a personal note. In consultation it's an option to put a ribbon to your bouquet with last wishes.

Flowers from Regiobloemist

Regiobloemist is very proud of the quality from our flowers. Our flowers can be used for several occasions. At every occasion there are different flowers wanted. We don't only sell black roses, but also a variety of different flowers. With all our deliveries you can count on our quality flowers. This is how the flowers from Regiobloemist stay fresh for a minimum of 7 days.