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Wedding Bouquet

The day somebody is getting married is always a beautiful day. You can only make this day more special with a beautiful bouquet. Do you want to surprise the newlyweds with a beautiful bouquet? Order this then directly at Regiobloemist. Our beautiful bouquets are put together with the most care and skills and can be delivered in the whole of Holland.

You can also choose a customized bouquet. Our range of bouquets is very wide. Can´t you find anything on this page that you like? Look further! We have a lot of bouquets that are perfect to congratulate the newlywed couple. If you order before 2PM we will deliver the bouquet the same day. When you order before 11.59 PM we will deliver your bouquet the next day.

We have put several wedding bouquets together for you. You can find them here. Go for the bouquet you like the most:

Delivering you Wedding bouquet

Were you able to make a choice out of the many bouquets we offer you? It's very easy to have it delivered at your home. Regiobloemist delivers the fresh bouquets through the whole of Holland. We offer you a fresh guarantee of a minimum of seven days on our bouquets. The person who receives your bouquet will always have fresh flowers. Flowers are a natural product, so your bouquet can always be slightly different as the one you have ordered from the picture.

Congratulations to the new couple

Newlyweds just had the most beautiful day of their life. Isn't it nice to congratulate them with that, even though you are not around? Regiobloemist will deliver the flowers today, if you place your order before 2 PM. The delivery will be made by one of our 500 local florists.

Ordering your bouquet is very easy through our website. Choose a beautiful bouquet and place your order. You pay safely through iDeal, invoice, paypal or credit card. The flowers will be delivered through your nearest local florist. We offer a seven days fresh guarantee on our flowers.

Place your order now!

Did you find a beautiful bouquet on our website? Order this then very simple in 3 easy steps. The flowers will be delivered as soon as possible. You didn't find a bouquet you liked? Look further on our website! Our range is very wide so we have definitely one that you like. For any questions, we will be happy to answer them through our contact form.