Winter Surprise Bouquet

Winter Surprise Bouquet

Choose your desired bouquet size and leave the choice of design to the florist.

Choose your size
7 days freshness guarantee
100% satisfaction guarantee
Order before 23:59, delivered tomorrow
Delivery by florist
This product will be delivered by a local florist. Price excludes € 6,95 delivery- and ordercosts.

Product information


Give someone a beautiful winter surprise bouquet! A seasonal winter bouquet is suitable for almost all occasions. Would you like to thank someone, congratulate or just send flowers to cheer someone up? You can certainly do that with a winter bouquet! Who would you like to surprise with a beautiful bunch of flowers?

Seasonal bouquet:

The local florist will design a beautiful surprise bouquet entirely in their own style, taste and flower combination with the flowers they have in store this season. This can be a round bouquet, wild bouquet or field bouquet. Image is just an example of a floral and color combination. Be surprised by the specialty of the florist!


This seasonal bouquet will be carefully created and delivered by the local florist.

Is what you see what you get?

Flowers are a natural product, so the flowers can be slightly different. In case the flowers are not in stock the florist will make the same bouquet with available flowers. A vase on the photo is not included in the price by default, you can order a vase on the next page when available.

Which size should I choose?

We offer most products in three different sizes: small means an average size of 20-25 cm; medium means an average size of 25-30 cm and large means 30-35 cm.

When will it be delivered?

This product can be delivered tomorrow! Order before 23:59 and have it delivered the next day throughout the Netherlands.


Prices are including 9% VAT and excluding only € 6,95 delivery- and ordercosts. If you choose to pay by invoice, invoice costs will be added.

Flowers are a natural product

It is possible that the flowers we deliver deviate from the photo. This can be caused by lack of availability of certain types of flowers. It can also occur that our florist uses different colors, because the requested color is not available. The florist will always try to make a bouquet which closely resembles this product. If you have any wishes regarding the color, please communicate them to the florist by writing them in the "Note to florist" field during checkout.